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Kaltura API

audioEntriesCountintVNumber of new audio entries created during specific date range
avgStoragefloatVThe average amount of storage consumption during the given date range for the specific publisher
bandwidthfloatVThe total bandwidth usage during the given date range (in MB)
combinedStorageBandwidthfloatVThe combined amount of bandwidth and storage consumed during the given date range for the specific publisher
dateIdstringVTGhe date at which the report was taken - Unix Timestamp
deletedStoragefloatVThe deleted storage consumption (new uploads) during the given date range (in MB)
entriesCountintVNumber of new entries created during specific date range
imageEntriesCountintVNumber of new image entries created during specific date range
mixEntriesCountintVNumber of new mix entries created during specific date range
partnerCreatedAtintVPartner creation date (Unix timestamp)
partnerIdintVPartner ID
partnerNamestringVPartner name
partnerPackageintVPartner package
partnerStatusKalturaPartnerStatusVPartner status
peakStoragefloatVThe peak amount of storage consumption during the given date range for the specific publisher
playsintVNumber of plays in the specific date range
storagefloatVThe added storage consumption (new uploads) during the given date range (in MB)
totalEntriesCountintVTotal number of entries
totalStoragefloatVThe total storage consumption (in MB)
videoEntriesCountintVNumber of new video entries created during specific date range
viewsintVNumber of player loads in the specific date range
Sub classes: KalturaVarPartnerUsageTotalItem